Sunday, June 24, 2007

Yup, I've been warned...

Well, all I can say is...Thank you Kara, for calling me a few weeks ago when your car was broken into. As Kara was telling me the sad and frustrating tale of how her car was broken into while she was at the clinic doing her rotation in broad daylight, I was shuffling all my climbing gear and most of my CDs out of my car. I also started getting into the habit of taking the stereo plate off and putting it out of sight. I had the idea that this might prevent an attack. Nope. Exhausted from a particularly hectic and upsetting day at work I slept hard Friday night. So hard that I missed the sound of by back passenger window being smashed. Thankfully the crook was either not too bright or was interrupted (I'd like to think by my guard cat, Fidel - AND I'd like to get him a cape. Probably a purple one) ..but whatever the reason, it doesn't yet appear as much has been stolen. The stereo panel was dismantled but only partially. The stereo face plate was on the floor. The glove box was open. CD's tossed on the seat. I was all prepared to have a better day at work on Saturday morning when as I opened my car door the scene unfolded. From there the story includes: being late for work, a phone call to the cops = 15 min on hold to find out that I'd have to call during office hours (which incidentally were 2 minutes away), spilled fresh coffee on me when I did arrive to work, and to top it off - I was puked on (however, the kid was cute and he apologized for the splash). Sigh. So it goes. The silver lining, Pop? (As Pop says "It's a damn dark cloud that doesn't have a silver lining").
In 3 parts:
1. I probably feel a lot better than the kid that puked on me.
2. Don't think any REAL damage was done.
3. Brownies - my friend, Sarah Lael, just brought over the best damn homemade brownies and they go marvelously with milk.

Alright friends, much love to you all and if you live in Portland, you can heed the warning, but seriously, think about leaving your window open or your car unlocked.

P.S. PDX police have had a lot of break-ins in this neighborhood in the last 2 weeks. They're having trouble catching the punks, but suspect that it's some kids hiding out in the Rose City Golf Course. If you see some suspicious folks, they said to call them: 503-823-3333. If you see actual acts of burglary or law violation call 911.


Becca said...

Oh Megs I am sorry about this weekend of misfortunes. Did the doc on your heels happen to be Mr Jetson? :) I miss you and if you are lonely when Chad is gone I would love to hang. I am glad I have your blog now so I can keep track of you!! xoxo B

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