Wednesday, July 25, 2007


This is an excerpt from Conversations with Cat by K. Solsisti-Mattelon.

Q: Why do cats purr?

You laugh, we purr

Human beings possess the gift of laughter. Cats possess the gift of purr. Our purr is comforting to us. We purr when we're happy. We purr when we hurt, in order to comfort ourselves. Purring is made up of specific vibrations. These vibrations can heal and recalibrate our bodies and internal systems as well as calm and heal and recalibrate others, especially humans. You need all the help we can give.

Well, in addition to their purring and companionship, my little pusses have also provided loads of are some pictures..
I like to call this one "Smell this"

Sweet Fidel, sleeping soundly

Fidel and Luella - another sleeping pose

Luella length-wise

Luella, master of boxes

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