Monday, August 18, 2008

And Now We Begin a New Era

Chad and I have been contemplating bringing a pup into our lives for some time. We were very close to doing this a year ago, but then we found a tumor on Fidel's back and decided we just couldn't create more stress in his life at the end of his days. We revisited the idea in the spring, but then again the timing just wasn't right - our hearts still had some healing to do. This summer we began casually looking into pups and then we met her and knew she was the pup for us. We've named her Olive, she is a black lab retriever pup and this week she's 11 weeks old. We've had such fun with her already and every day has been an adventure into something new - yesterday it was my tomato plants, today it's thunderstorms. She would like to play with Luella, but not surprisingly, Lu is not interested. Olive is proving to be a pretty mellow pup and listens well. Here are a few pics to enjoy....


Anonymous said...

Olive is superbly cute and looks adorably fun! =) Joan

Anonymous said...

I love the name, how fitting!!!! Maybe someday Olive will get a friend, popeye!