Sunday, February 3, 2013

DIY indestructible toddler book

You can purchave Tyvek envelopes in any office supply store.  Alternatively you could by Tyvek sheeting at a home supply store.
Line up the ends of the envelope & sew with your sewing machine. I sewed about 4 lines of stitching using a tight stitch.
Measure to desired length & cut envelope ends off.

Slice the envelopes open using a sharp kitchen knife.  However, I might consider leaving the envelopes whole next time & stitching close the open ends.  The pens do leak through to the next page. Leaving them whole would give you a more finished look.

Draw on the extras to test your pens & see what works.  Sharpies & Faber-Castell PITT artist pens are what I've used.
Voila!  You have an indestructible book for your kidlet!  Wash it! Dry it! Put ketchup all over it!  Enjoy :)

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