Thursday, June 7, 2007

Chad's Viaje

Hey there Friends! Once upon a time I tried to do a bit of this blogging business, let's see if I can't pick it up once more... I wanted to send you all an update on the happenings here in the PNW and in Chad and my life specifically. Chad is getting ready for his climbing trip to the Cordillera Blanca in Peru. He's been planning this trip for a year and now it's just a week and a half away. I'm not entirely sure on the routes he, Andy, Nate, and Stewert are planning, but I think that Chacraraju may be among them. This is actually a photo of Artesonraju stollen from the web. Below that is a photo of Chad and I outside Andina, a Peruvian restaurant where we celebrated his birthday a bit early (I believe the REAL celebrating will involve tequila in Huaraz!) The next photo is of me examining Chad's ears. He has been my faithful guinea pig as I acquire new skills! School is going quite well (READ: exciting, interesting, exhausting, surprising, frustrating, and.....consuming). The most recent presentation is on granuloma annulare so I thought I'd include a photo of that. Hope all are well and keeping safe this summer! Cheers!

1 comment:

tigrgirl said...

Hi there! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and world! I was slightly concerned wondering if the "presenting" picture was you as you seem to pop up with the interesting presentations! We should go out for drinks one of these days too. But, no tequila for me please. I'm sure Chad will have an amazing time, just make sure he watches out for the dust mites as they have found a strong new bacteria recently, check the news. =)