Thursday, June 7, 2007

The hard work of cats...

2 exhausted pusses.

Fidel and Chad - bedtime for bonzo.

We found out recently that Fidel has a tumor on his back just below his shoulder blades. There are some options for his healthcare, but most involve taking him back into the vet's office - an entirely too stressful event. He is happy as ever at home, playing with toy mice, eating bugs, hunting outside, eating lots of snacks, and stretchin' out in the we're thankful for this.

Today I went into the bedroom to grab a sweatshirt and found that Fidel had dug up the covers to crawl under them for an all morning and half the afternoon snooze. Luella lay beside him in her new short summer do. Her face obscured by her long limbs, she looked more like a snail than a cat lying there. Oh those pusses, they work so hard.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.