Friday, August 17, 2007

Vollmars in Portland

Thank you Annabelle, Don, Adam, and Emily!

We had such a great time with you and were so glad to have you out for a visit! Marmots, UNO games, dominoes, star fish, the French speaking - squirrel catching - expert, many Harry Potter conversations, the producers being rehashed over and over again, good PNW beer, 6 quarts of marinara (yummmm), the blue angels, fresh fruit stands, sunburns and floating wood, and lots of laughs! It was a really great visit and we truly enjoyed your presence. Thanks for making the trip out to see us! Much Love to all of you!
- Megan & Chad
Emily at the top of a route at the PRG

Adam taking a break on a tough 5.9/5.10 wall at the PRG

Emily and Don at the top of Angel's Rest

Adam at the top of Angel's Rest

Don, floating on some wood down the Sandy River

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