Sunday, September 2, 2007

An Apple a Day...

...Keeps the primary care provider away (sorry, the times are a changin' and since I'm studying to be a nurse practitioner I should be politically correct ;)

I'll give you a topic to talk amongst yourselves (inject thick new jersey accent):
Health Records

How well do you know your health history? Your family's health history? It's hard to remember all that stuff when you change providers but signing a medical release of records gives your new provider all the old info. But what about emergencies? It's hard to think straight when you're stressed and worried.

It might be nice to have all the health information together so there's less to think about. Additionally, a health history book might be helpful if you are seeing a lot of different providers for different types of care. In the health community we don't always talk to one another and often rely on you to let us know who else is seeing you and for what.

My Mum has been doing presentations on keeping track of your own health information. Her presentations have mostly been aimed at the senior populations as well as caregivers of seniors. However, I think her work is relevant for most people. There is a website that provides printable forms that people can use to keep track of their own health information. I will attach a link to this website below in case you find this useful. It's a bit of work initially, but a handy tool to have. Some other points she makes in her presentations are:

  • Write down the questions you have for your provider
  • Make sure you understand the answers to the questions and any instructions before leaving the provider's office
  • Along with your health history, you may want to keep other pertinent health information together in a folder ( copy of insurance cards, name & number of providers and pharmacy, advanced directive, etc )
Adult Form:
Pediatric Form:

Anyway, just food for thought....

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